I read about this on Digg and just had to share it. Lucasarts founder George Lucas has recently told AFP, "a Wii game that lets players wield virtual light sabers is on the horizon." Star Wars nerds everywhere post to their blogs in excitement. A game that uses the wii controller will give players a new kind of gameplay with lots of replay value. Finally Star Wars nerds can pretend to be jedi masters and settle their differences not by their knowledge of the force but by their skills with a light saber. Now I know what you're thinking, "this sounds awesome but how will it work? How do the light saber blades not go through each other?"
I could not find an official answer for this but I imagine there will be some sort of force feedback action. Like when the blades hit each other on screen you will get rumble and sound on the wiimote. A custom wii controller or add on to the wii controller is also very likely. Think of a foamy nerf type blade that will totally not stay rigid when it makes contact. If this happens not only will it give new meaning to the term "sword party" but it will look pretty ridiculous, especially to the opposite sex, thus lowering the chances of any Star Wars nerd to procreate. Going from 10% to 3%, even whole milk has a better chance of getting inside a woman. In any case this new Star Wars game is sure to be a mega hit on the super popular Nintendo Wii.

Mad because he still can't get a Wii.
1 comment:
Maybe I'm not understanding this correctly but I don't think people will actually battle eachother off the screen. I was thinking more like you move the lightsaber and on the screen it maps that movement. Then again maybe I just don't understand...
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