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In Loving Memory of Jet Espinosa. May You RIP 1996-2007
August 24 2007 approximately 1PM Jet my second dog passed away after being diagnosed with heart disease since December of 2006. It has now been confirmed that his heart exploded. His little lungs were filling with fluid, making it difficult to breath. His heart was expanding and was bound to give out sometime this year. He was 11 but still passed for a puppy in the eyes of many. Sadly, he died a virgin never knowing how it feels to be inside someone else's body. He was the son of Junior, a handsome chihuahua indeed, and a true gentleman of a dog. He enjoyed scaring little children, starting doggy beef with dogs 3 times his size, and trying to hump his father. He never cared much for chasing after anything. He had problems with anxiety in general because of growing up in a tumultuous household. He was afraid of going down the stairs of my building after taking a tumble early in his career as a pet. He liked to lick my face often trying to get at the boogers in my nose.
This really couldn't have happened at a worse time. The old saying when it rains, it pours is seeming very true as of late. Seems like nothing can go right for this blogger. Even traffic has gone down significantly. This is probably one of the worst summers ever for me, and definitely the worst August ever. Something good has to happen soon or else I don't know what I'm gonna do. I believe everything tries to balance itself out, even luck. I figure I'm due for some good luck to come around my way. I played the Mega Millions, maybe that pans out, or maybe I hit the jackpot in Atlantic City. What's gone so bad to merit such luck you ask. That's for an upcoming blog post.
I dedicate this song in your loving memory, the song you were named after. By Paul McCartney and Wings with power mullets and all. Here's to you old friend.
I'm sorry to hear about Jet, poor guy. May he rest in peace.
I'm sorry to hear about Jet, poor guy. May he rest in peace.
Yah, it sucks that Jet died. My dog Kibbie passed away recently. She was only 6. Fortunatly, she didn't die a virgin. Lol
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