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How To Rent Out A Room In Your Apartment
I'm not sure I should be the one writing this because I am having trouble doing this right now myself but I am following some basic good practices. I blame the economy and rising unemployment for my difficulties and not my own marketing skills. But like one of the motto's I like to live by "always be testing," I will share with you some of my experiments in my adventures in renting out a room in my apartment.
The first thing I did was take measurements and pictures of the room once it was cleared out and cleaned. Then I took pictures of the room with my digital camera and resized and optimized the images for the web with some touch ups in Photoshop here and there where appropriate. All the pros use Photoshop so you should too. Getting your hands on Photoshop is easy enough (contact me if you need it) it is learning how to use it that is harder but not that much harder.
Next I went around the neighborhood and took photos of some very convenient places in the neighborhood and uploaded them to my Picasa Web Album and geo tagged them. Geo tagging is a very nice feature that will help me position the apartment as a very convenient place to live. Then finally I did a crude listing on Craigslist and edited it continuously with an HTML editor. I used Dreamweaver. Take a look at Craigslist listing 3.0 for my room for rent in Woodside, Queens.
If any of you have any good ideas for listings you have seen let me know. In version 4.0 I will have a short video of the actual time it takes to get to the train (about 3 minutes).
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